Wave 2.0
Father of the Wave 2.2 & 2.3, Grandfather of the MicroWave,
Great Grandfather of the Waldorf Wave.
8 voices, 1 Oscillator per voice, filter & Sequencer.
We dont have much info on this beasty if anyone would like to write a short appraisel of it do us some sound samples it would be much appreciated.
Here are some pictures taken by Laurent Prot of his 2.0, Click on them for bigger versions.
Wave 2.0 in Laurents studio.
Internal Pictures
Nice shot of the inside, showing PSU, motherboard and all the voice cards.
Close up of the boards, notice 4 voice cards, 2 voices to a card, rather than 4 voices to a card in the 2.2 and 2.3.
Close up of a voice card.
Close up of IO card
Back of LCD, notice this is different to most of the displays in the 2.2 and 2.3.
