System 100
System 300
1003 Sonic Carrier
Wavecomputer 340
350 Sequencer
Wavecomputer 360
Wave 2.0
Wave 2.2
Wave 2.3
Waveterm A/B
390 Drum Unit
Wave 2.V
PPG Mail List
Two tribes
Wave 2.3 #1
Wave 2.3 #2
I have compiled a CD-ROM of technical
info and such fro the PPG range of synthesizers with the help of many people
and friends. There are user manuals,
service guides and EPROM files for various versions of the OS for a large part of
the PPG range. Many people have contributed to this and for their efforts they
have received a free copy of the CD-ROM and will receive future
The current version
is V3.06
Available Now
For details on how to get a copy please
e-mail me, Paul.Maddox Synth.Net, and I will send you details.
Here are some of its contents;-
300 - User guide (germann) and sound samples
1002 - Brochure, sounds
1003 - Review, sounds, pictures
1020 - Brochure, review(german), sounds
340/380 - Pictures, brochure, partial schematics
350 - User/Service, Internal and external pictures
360 - User(German), Calibration Routine, Internal and external pictures
390 - Brochure, Pictures
EVU - OS roms V1.0,V2.2,V3.0,V4.0 (gives midi sysex), User guides
HDU - OS roms (commander/unit), user guide, service guide, Xpander manual
PRK - User, schematic of Keyboard matrix, OS Eprom, 5 sets of sound card eproms (Marimba, Piano, Choir, Rhodes and Multisample)
PRK(fd) - User, sequencer guide, sequencer manual.
Wave2 - User(german), Service, OS V1.2, demo sounds
Wave2.2 - User(english+German), Service, Midi upgrade info, OS V3,V4,V6, demo sounds, wavelib
Wave2.3 - User, Service(complete), Service(color), OS V6,V8, PAL files, demo tunes, wavelib
WavetermA - User(German+English), ROMs, PAL files, EurocomII service guide, Disk library.
WavetermB - User(english), service, ROMs, PAL files, Demo tune, Disk Library
+Collection of adverts
+Various photos
+Various brochures
+Interview with Palm+Duren
+Review of 1002 and HDU
+Document showing how to connect/setup 'The system' (prk+waveterm+wave+evu)
Wave 2 Factory sounds
Wave 2.2 Factory sounds
Wave 2.3 Factory sounds
Wave 2.3 D100 sound set (Thanks to Andy Thomas)
Wave 2.3 Nigel Bates Sounds set (Thanks to Nigel Bates)
The CD-ROM comes on a CDR and costs
£15 which covers P&P to anywhere. Just to re-iterate the
small profit made from these is used in research and keeping this site on-line.
To obtain your copy (or contribute to the next version) please
E-mail me, Paul.Maddox Synth.Net.
Contributions will be welcome and again you
will receive a free copy of the CD-ROM that your contribution is on and future updates
for free as well.
